Regency Park is home to a variety of ministries for all ages led by many volunteers. Check out some of them below. Or see our weekend services by following this link.
Submit a prayer request or get involved in prayer ministry!
Regency Park Kids is the great place for your child to learn what it means to follow Jesus. Our age appropriate services help them discover core truths, form friendships with other kids, and ultimately, have one of the best hours of their week!
RP Church Youth Ministry is a group of 7th – 12th grade teens from surrounding schools, striving to live for God, welcoming anyone into our family, and serving Him in the Tulsa community.
Connect with our Gen Z small group!
We were designed to need each other and do life together! In an RP Church group, you can connect with others and grow one step closer to Jesus – together.
Worship with us!
We go because that’s what Jesus calls us to do and that’s where the “fullest possible life” is.